Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Many Views From Here

I have been a slow blogger this summer. This was the first summer where 2 of my children didn't require daily naps/quiet times, which meant that I also didn't have many quiet times in my day. I thoroughly enjoyed the days spent playing with Brady and Logan and can't believe school will start again soon.
Expect to hear from me more often in the fall, though, since Logan will be at afternoon kindergarten, while Marshall is napping (free afternoons for me!).

Here is a glimpse of what my life has looked like in the past month or so.
Enjoy the pictures.

Eating watermelon after a race at Como.

Dandelion ears, while watching Brady play football.

Logan's last day of T-ball.

Little bike without training wheels.

Big bike without training wheels. And huge bike for Brady.

A day at the zoo.

Summer treats

Brady and Logan's chalk town.

Playing baseball with Great-Grams and Gramps

"Thank you, Grandma", I'm sure no one will get hurt on this ;).

We are still having picnics, although not nearly as many as last year (that would have been hard to top). Once I get those pictures organized, I'll post them.


Anonymous said...

They are getting so big! I am jealous of the trampoline!!! :)

Katie said...

Looks like you had a great summer!