Expect to hear from me more often in the fall, though, since Logan will be at afternoon kindergarten, while Marshall is napping (free afternoons for me!).
Here is a glimpse of what my life has looked like in the past month or so.
Eating watermelon after a race at Como.
Dandelion ears, while watching Brady play football.
Logan's last day of T-ball.
Little bike without training wheels.
Big bike without training wheels. And huge bike for Brady.
A day at the zoo.
Summer treats
Brady and Logan's chalk town.
Playing baseball with Great-Grams and Gramps
"Thank you, Grandma", I'm sure no one will get hurt on this ;).
We are still having picnics, although not nearly as many as last year (that would have been hard to top). Once I get those pictures organized, I'll post them.
They are getting so big! I am jealous of the trampoline!!! :)
Looks like you had a great summer!
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