If you remember right, last Thursday was also the day of the deadly tornadoes in MN.
I was the first to arrive at the game, because I was planning on having a picnic dinner with the boys before the game, outside at the nearby park. As we arrived, the sky quickly darkened, and I was certain we'd soon hear that the game was cancelled.
I decided that our picnic and dinner could wait, and we watched as others started to show up.
It was raining, dark, and very windy outside, but no lightning. So, the game went on as scheduled.
Brady got his team t-shirt and I got a couple of pictures of him wearing it. He is on a team called the Otters.
Then Daddy showed up (he had to come straight from work, since the game started at 6pm--his usual time to get home).
For a brief time, during some heavier rain, Marshall and I went to wait in the car. Then, a clearing came and fortunately remained for the remainder of the game. I put Marshall into his Snugli, and he was happy as a clam the rest of the time :).
Brady got a chance to practice batting, catching fly balls, and running the bases that night.
He had a ton of fun and said he couldn't wait until next week!
Peter and I also had a great time watching him do something he loves. We are so proud of him!!
The weather is looking to be much nicer for this Thursday, so we're planning on doing a picnic dinner this week, right after going to the opening day of the Farmington Farmer's Market--I can't wait.
So adorable! We are looking forward to seeing him play this week.
I would love to come watch him play! Also, the next time I come down we should go to the Farme's Market. is that everyday?
Our Farmer's Market is on Thursdays from 3-7, but if you come down to watch tee ball, we could go there first.
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