Monday, June 21, 2010

It's Finally Hot

The weather warmed up nicely on Friday. Just in time for Logan's birthday.

The boys and I headed out to the free, local water park in the afternoon. We've been here the past couple of years, but this was the first year that Brady was actually brave enough to get soaking wet!
Logan was still a bit tentative.

Waiting for the water buckets to tip over.

Drying off

Marshall had a great time too! He just relaxed in the stroller and smiled the whole time :).

Snack Time!

Brady wore goggles at first, but then got brave enough to ditch them.

Running through the cold water.

Playing together.

Next up....
Brady's tee ball adventures.
I LOVE summer!!!


Anonymous said...

Cute! While I do not share your love of summer ;) I am happy to see my little nephews having a blast in the water!!

Grandpa said...

What a great summer day.

Were the boys having fun or not?

Katie said...

That looks like a blast!

Molly said...

Yes, the boys were having a great time!
I can't wait to go back.