Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dreading September

I hate to admit it, but I really am dreading this month. I am not very excited about most of what will be filling my time in September.

I am sad to see Brady start preschool next week.

I am unsure of how exhausting it might be to bring him to school and pick him up each day (I figured that it involves 5 times of buckling the car seat and 5 more times of unbuckling--that alone can be exhausting with 2 kids).

We will be wrapping up Logan's speech therapy this month--mostly because we are getting bored with it--Logan's chewing difficulties are certainly not completely gone just yet.

I am working 4 days this month instead of my usual 2. My work was in need of someone to fill the gap, and Peter and I were in need of some extra money. I love the flexibility that my job provides, but I am not looking forward to tying up 2 consecutive weekends (nor is Peter looking forward to 2 consecutive weekends at home alone with the boys).

I am also not looking forward to attending two different continuing education classes this month. Luckily both of them are free classes (which is extremely rare to find), and both are also relatively short. I am mostly dreading the Saturday morning class (which happens to fall on my only free Saturday this month).

I am also not a big fan of September weather. I prefer it to be hot any day!

There are a couple of reasons to be excited for this month, though.

First of all, this weekend is Labor Day weekend, which means that Peter will be home for an extra day. We also have some other fun plans for the weekend. My parents are coming down on Saturday for dinner and to spend some time with Brady and Logan. On Sunday, we are going to see Peter's Dad and Grace--we haven't seen them since Memorial Day. We are also going to try to hunt down some new basketball shoes for Peter this weekend, since he starts up basketball again next week.

I am also going to my first OB visit this month! It will be my 12 week visit and will involve hearing this little ones heartbeat for the first time. You have to love that appointment!

There are also 4 important birthdays this month. My mother-in-law, Sharon is on the 6th, My mom and brother-in-law, Jason are on the 21st, and my Grandma is on the 24th (and this is a big one for her)! Laura and Jason also celebrate 12 years of marriage on the 20th!

Brady will be attending his first field trip with preschool this month as well. On Sept. 30, they will be heading to a dwarf apple orchard, so they can reach the trees to pick apples. I might need to be involved in that fun trip!

I can't help but to be anxious to see September leave us. On October 1, Peter and I will be leaving for Florida--just the 2 of us!!! That alone is what is going to get my through this long month ahead.
I love spending time with my family and my children, but I think it is very important to spend time alone with just my husband as well. With another little one on the way, we thought this would be perfect timing. Plus, if we had included Brady and Logan in this trip, we would have never been able to afford it!
Our trip will be short and sweet. I know the time will fly by way too quickly, but it's well worth it for 4 days alone with Peter!

We also just came to realize recently that Peter has a lot of vacation time remaining this year that must be used up or lost. Even with his normal week off for Thanksgiving and week off for Christmas, Peter is still left with 5 more days to take off as he wishes. We haven't made any decisions about these days yet, but just knowing they exist is exciting!

Now I am off to try to come up with something fun and exciting to do today to pass the time until Peter gets home from work and we hit up the Farmer's Market!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I better not comment on hating September - it could get ugly. HeeHee!

Debbie's granddaughter started preschool today. She was super excited. You met her...Abbi. Hopefully Brady has a ton of fun too! :)