Picnic #21
June 11. At Katie's house. We met up with Auntie Laura and Great-Grams and Gramps too. Katie made us some fabulous lunch!
Picnic #22
June 12. At Tamarack Park, near our old house. It was actually a bit chilly this day, so we ate in the sun instead of at the picnic table.
Picnic #23
June 14. We planned to picnic outside this day, but the rain wouldn't stop for us, so we moved the fun inside instead.
Picnic #24
June 15. At Bridle Ridge Park in Eagan. We met up with Daddy at this picnic. He ran there from his work. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera and he didn't have his phone to take the pic either :(.
Picnic #25
June 21. While Daddy was in Denver, we headed to one of our favorite Lakeville parks... Aronson Park (AKA The Airplane park). We ate bean salad for lunch on a rock.
Picnic #26
June 22. At Hill Dee Park. We came to see the Puppet Wagon and then stayed to picnic and play.
Picnic #27

June 24. At our house, for Brady and Logan's birthday party. I forgot to take my "official picnic picture", so this is the best I have.
Picnic #28
June 25. On our deck, eating leftovers from the birthday party and enjoying the beautiful day.
Brady and Logan cracked the seat of the picnic table this day :). I guess they are getting too big for that little table.
Picnic #29
June 26. At Farquar Park in Eagan. I picked the big boys up from VBS and we tried out this new park on the way home.
Picnic #30
June 27. On our way home from VBS once again. This park was in Rosemount and was called Jaycee Park. It was hot, so we ate on the shady side of the table and didn't stay too long.
Picnic #31
June 28. At home, on the deck again, staying in the shade. Notice how the big boys can't sit at the broken table anymore :).
Picnic #32
June 29. At Central Park in Rosemount, on our way home from VBS for the last day of the week. The boys were busy watching a man engrave the name of a fallen soldier on the memorial rock while we ate.
Picnic #33
June 30. This was a Logan-Marshall picnic, since Brady was at Cascade Bay for a birthday party. He ate outside as well. It was hot again, so in the shade is where we sat.
Picnic #34
July 3. At Nicollet Commons Park in Burnsville with Auntie Laura. We wanted to be sure to spend some time with our favorite Aunt/Sister before she starts her new job, so we met up early and played hard in the water this day.
Picnic #35
July 7. At Meadowview Park in Farmington. We brought Daddy along for this one too. After lunch, Brady timed us all as we raced around the playground and across the field. What a workout :).
Picnic #36
July 8. At Daisy Knoll Park in Farmington. We drove to this park after church today. The boys wore matching outfits and Daddy played basketball with his big boys while I chased Marshall on the playground. Great Sunday afternoon!
Love it! It's awesome that you guys find so much time to picnic, even when it's not the perfect weather. :):) These will be such great memories for the boys.
I am glad we could be included in some of those picnics.
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