Marshall is growing more slowly than his brothers did at this age, weighing right around 17 lbs. this morning. He is also less active than they were, still not sitting up on his own or crawling around the house. We also haven't seen any little teeth pushing through his gentle gums just yet, but some serious teething is happening for sure!
Although he is not crawling or sitting just yet, Marshall is definitely mobile! He is able to roll and creep wherever his little heart desires to take him, and he often practices getting up on all fours in an attempt to crawl. He loves playing with his rattles and with his brother's farm set on a daily basis. He also LOVES jumping in the jump-up while I make dinner.
Marshy is also eating 3 square meals a day now, including a lot of homemade baby food that I am having a blast making for him. He's also been crunching some little crackers. We will soon be adding some water and a sippy cup to his diet, along with more table foods.
This is such a fun and exciting age for babies!!
Oh, and apparently 8 month olds need a lot of sleep! Marshall has been hitting the hay (without being swaddled for the first time in his life) around 8pm and sleeping straight through until 9-9:30am since Saturday morning. Before that, he'd been getting up at 7:30 like clockwork. He must have known that Daddy was in charge this weekend while Mommy worked (or tried to work, since the weather kept me home on Saturday and my schedule brought me home early Sunday). Marshall seems to always let Daddy sleep in--lucky Daddy!
He is also back to one nap a day now, napping from around 1-4pm, or 2 naps, if he wakes up earlier. He's always been great at going with the flow about his sleep, and I am so very thankful for that.
Happy 8 month birthday Marshall.
Time sure does fly! How lucky we all are, little Marshallmallow to have you in our lives. :)
Wow!!! Times does fly!!! Marsh is SO cute! Can't wait to see you all Friday.
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