Thursday, November 5, 2009

Big News!

My cousin Katie and her husband Ben were able to find out the gender of their new baby during their ultrasound appointment yesterday.

They will be expecting their new baby GIRL to arrive in late March!
Congrats Katie and Ben! We are so happy to hear your baby is happy and healthy and we can't wait to meet her.

As for Peter and I, we are still waiting for 5 more long days to find out the gender of our baby.
Please don't forget to submit your guesses in the next 5 days, if you want to find out with us.

I am still looking for just 1 more guess as to whether our newest baby is a boy or a girl.
Hurry and guess, because I'd love to share on the blog as soon as we find out!

I asked for 6 comments in the guessing game and so far I have received 5 responses.
Here's the breakdown.
Laura - Boy
Jason - Boy
Katie - Girl
Dad - Girl
Mom - Boy or Girl (thanks, Mom)

It looks like we're at an even tie right now.

Up until today, Brady's been saying that he wants a brother, but today he said he'd like if the baby is a girl, because we don't have a girl yet.

Get your guesses in soon and I'll share the news when we have it!


Another guess just in....
This makes 6 total guesses, reaching our goal.

Grandma Betty - Boy or Girl 50/50 chance. (thanks Grandma)

It looks as though the guesses remain at a 50/50 standing.
I guess we'll all just have to wait until Tuesday and see what God has decided!


Katie said...

YEAH!!! Thanks molly.. I am so excited!!! It will be so fun that we are pregnant together!!! I hope we both get little girls so we can go shopping together and garage saleing!!!

Anonymous said...

Fun, fun!!!!!